Room 21 is practicing for the GALA song.

They are trying to get the actions and words correct and in time.

Teacher voice:  My goodness room 21, well done on all your hard work on this song! You have done a fabulous job at remembering the words and actions!


Te Reo

WALT: sing a waiata

When can do this when: we sing "Ka Waiata" with the right pronunciation


Te Reo

WALT: say our whakatauki and karakia

We can do this when:  we use the right pronunciation


WALT: write an explanation on the solar system


  • I have a detailed picture plan
  • I have a title
  • I have  a definition explaining what I will be writing about
  • I have all my processes in order to explain how something works


Well done Emma on receiving your 100 nights of reading! You are a star!


WALT: read silently

We can do that when - we find a book that we can read and share what we read with others. 


Writing - Education Brief

 write interesting ideas.

Success Criteria:  Use words that relate to the topic.

                             Use adjectives in your writing.

Easy Blog Photo

Easy Blog Photo

Easy Blog Photo

Paralympics Writing

Easy Blog Photo


WALT: complete different movements through Gymnastics on beam.

We can do this when: 

  • We can mount on a beam safely
  • We walk across a beam using either scooping or through balanced walking.
  • We dismount off the beam safely by using a leap or jump. 


WALT: write a recount about what we have done when looking at Olympic Sport.

We'll Know we've achieved this when I have...

  • Included who, what, when, where & why in an orientation -
  • Added details/personal comments about the events that make
  • Use describing words to make my writing more interesting
  • Used past tense verbs.


WALT:  describe a variety of changes I can make to achieve RESPECT,

I can do this when: I can explain why these ideas make a difference to my success as a learner and I can apply these ideas in other areas.

PE - Gymnastics

WALT: use the right body shapes to help us with different rolls in gymnastics.

We can do this when: we can show these body shapes: straddle, pike, stretch and tuck. As well as these rolls: Hedgehog, pencil, elephant and circle roll.

Well done Emma, I can see you are using the right body shape for an elephant roll, you are using the straddle pose to help you as well as your shoulders to help you move on the mat!

Bucket Filler Award

Well done Emma on receiving a Bucket Fillers award. Thank you for such a good role model!

Maori language week

WALT: create different shapes from our stars that reminds us about Matariki.

We can do this when:  we create the correct shape of a cluster of stars and work together as a team to do it. 


WALT: ask questions about the book we are going to read.

Success criteria:

  • Ask questions that has who, what, why, how, where in it.
  • Ask open ended questions.


WALT: Read a book we have not read before.

Success criteria:

  • Sound out words you do not know
  • Read with some fluency
  • Reread the words so the story makes sense.
WALT: Predict what will happen next in the story.

Success Criteria:

  • Think about word clues from the text! What already happened?
  • Think about picture clues from the text! What do you see that gives you extra information
  • Give details in your answer!


WALT: keep a beat by clapping.

We can do this when we: clap your hands using a pattern and making the beat go fast without any pauses. 

CARE certificate

Well done Emma on receiving your Bronze CARE certificate.  It is great to see you are showing all those C.A.R.E values!! Keep up the great work. 


WALT:  Play a xylophone by playing melodic patterns - patterns that go from low to high.  

We can do this when we play a nursery rhyme called incy wincy spider.


WALT: practicing our catching and throwing skills.

We can do this when:

  • we can throw an object by aiming at the target and throwing underarm.
  • we can catch using our hands, eyes and pulling the ball to our chest. ]

50 Nights Reading!

Well done Emma on receiving your 50 nights of reading!  Keep up the hard work!


I am learning to write a recount about something I have done.

I can do that when I have a detailed picture plan and wrote 2-3 sentences. 

WELL DONE EMMA ON GETTING A PRINCIPAL AWARD!  You worked really hard on this piece of writing. 

Jelly Crystal recount

I am learning to:
  • write a personal recount of something I have done

I will know that I am successful when my recount includes:

  • Who, what, where, when, why and how in my writing.
  • I have drawn a picture that shows what my story is about.
  • My story makes sense.

Problem solving in Room 21

I am learning to do problem solving.  Miss Chadinha gave us a problem and we had to work out different ways to show the answer.

Buttons and Bears 

Mother Bear is making her 5 bear cubs’ new coats. The coats have 3 buttons each. How many buttons does Mother Bear need?


I am learning to make different shapes and objects using play dough.

I can do this when I use my counting skills to work out how many shapes are needed on a sheet.

Cultural day

WALT: write our name in Karang to celebrate other cultures and to be apart of an inclusive community.


WALT: enter and exit the pool safely.

Great job Emma for getting into the pool safely by holding onto the rails and turning yourself around to get into the water.